Concept Art Portfolio Page Update
Here’s a quick update to my concept art portfolio. Most of the pieces are the same, but I think you’ll all enjoy the slight additions. You know, gotta keep current with the times and things happening… 😉 Here’s a glimpse of one of those pages. These are some concept sketches for something that I don’t even know actually got picked up or what. And I’m not one to draw up violence and anger gratuitously, but I guess that’s what I had to do for the job. Luckily, I’ve been catching up on some old anime on the Funimation site, and I gotta admit that I earnestly enjoy Fist of the North Star. So, I guess this was my chance to put my influences to practice. Well, I was really instructed to mimic stereotypical Marvel villains, but once I realized that I really couldn’t pull off copying Jack Kirby, I just decided to draw what raw anger and fury felt for me. After that, I remember the producers and directors saying they were scared of my drawings, but if you had seen the reference material they gave me, I think they were really asking for it… then again, I haven’t been called back to work for them in a while…
Since I mentioned Fist of the North Star, I really should do another “Influences” post, but with so many ahead of that one, if I kept on doing posts like that, this would just turn into another anime fandom site… which to be fair, it partly is. Anyway, I don’t know when I’ll get the chance to let my demons loose like this again, so here’s to loosing ones demons… and letting go a bit too.
PS: a link to my latest concept art portfolio can be found on the sidebar to your right. I’m thinking of putting some storyboard samples as well soon, so maybe on the next post…
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