Here’s my animation reel. Clocking at just a little over a minute, I think it sums up pretty well what I’ve been up to. The clips include work from my short films “The Fox and The Baby” and “Her Lion’s Jump” as well as from freelance work I did for UCLA using the Joe Bruin character that I redesigned just for the spot. Also, there a couple of clips from a commercial for Dodge that I worked on at Stardust Studios – I animated some background characters and assets and assisted lead animator Robin Steele with some inbetweens for the hand drawn animated cars. The song “Now and Then” is by Marcel Camargo and can be downloaded in its entirety here:


PS: I’ll probably have a better version of the reel available somewhere soon… maybe in as a link url to a quicktime movie… maybe in mpeg 4… that’s maybe less than 60mb so you can download it all you want… maybe…


UPDATE 05/26/2009:

Shot Breakdown List

shot breakdown list page 01

shot breakdown list page 01

shot breakdown list page 02

shot breakdown list page 02


UPDATE 05/19/2009: The car commercial shots on my reel come from this spot here:

The team at Stardust Studios on this commercial were lead animator Robin Steele, effects animator Dylan Spears, background characters and lead assistant Régis Camargo (yours truly), scanner and checker Wayne Chang, with compositing by Thomas Horne, CG car animation by John Cherniack, art direction by Jonathan Wu, produced by Steiner Kierce and directed by Brad Tucker. I’m sure I missed someone, but those were the people I worked with. (Though Aaron Clark did some storyboards on it as well, even though I didn’t work with him on this project.)

For all the other works on this reel, check out my YouTube channel and the links section on the sidebar under “My Films.”